
Friday 21 March 2014 logon Changer For Windows 7 logon Changer For Windows 7 - Screenshot
Windows 7 has very beautiful logon screen. However, sometimes you get bored of seeing the same logon screen day after day.
How about changing the background of the Logon Screen to get a refreshing look and feel? I think some of you want it. But, how we can change to Windows 7 logon screen? It’s not so difficult. We can use a tool to change Windows 7 logon. This tool named Tweaks Logon. logon Changer For Windows 7 is a free Login Screen Changer which is simple and easy to use. You can use your own pictures as backgrounds of the logon screen. To change the logon screen, you can click on the Change Logon Screen button and browse your picture collection. Select on of them then you can see the preview immediately on Tweak Logon windows.
It also include an quick and easy reverting to the original Windows 7 Logon Screen, automatic resizing of images to Windows 7 maximum size limit of 246KB, Previewing of Logon screen before saving, etc. A simple and easy to use Logon Changer for Windows 7.

  • Automatic Image Resize – Don't worry about the 245KB file size limit imposed by Microsoft. The Logon Changer will give you the option to automatically resize and recompress the image to the highest quality possible. The original image is left untouched.
  • Automatic Image Backup – All OEM backgrounds and any previously used backgrounds are automatically backed up when a logon background is changed.
  • Absolutely Free – Just tell your friends about :)
  • It does NOT change any system file, and the program itself does not requires admin rights to run : it will just ask you to run as admin a very simple cmd file that creates the required folder and registry key with the appropriate rights. Any user of the computer will then be able to change the Windows 7 logon screen wallpaper. You can also prevent users from being able to change the logon screen wallpaper if you don't want them to be able to modify it without administrator rights (option available by clicking on the "Settings" button).

It does NOT work with Windows 7 Starter edition (sold with most netbooks).

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OS Requirements:
Windows 7 Home Basic/Home Premium/
Professional Ultimate and Enterprise
(32-bits and 64-bits)


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