
Tuesday 25 March 2014

How to enable delete confirmation dialog in windows

Windows 8 is the superb and most popular operating system by Microsoft. Microsoft made a lot of improvements in this operating system as compared with its previous operating systems. It has a great user interface and has improved accessing speed. Although windows 8 is unbeatable, but still it has some minor issues which seems to be a little confusing for users. After windows installation, delete confirmation prompt is disabled by default and I got so many mails asking about enabling the delete confirmation in windows 8. Enabling delete confirmation is very simple, just follow the steps below:

1. Right click on Recycle Bin icon.
2. Now click Properties.
right click on recycle bin
3. Now from Recycle Bin Properties, click to check the "Diaplay delete confirmation dialog" option.
recycle bin properties
4. Now click Apply and OK.
5. Now, delete something and you will see that delete confirmation dialog is prompted at the screen.
delete confirmation box


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