
Friday 21 March 2014

Trick Out Your XP Desktop For Free

Trick Out Your XP Desktop For Free - Screenshot
Windows XP has been Microsoft's most successful operating system to date and a lot of people are still using it – on their home and work PCs and on netbooks – so here are a few tips to help you make your Windows XP desktop a little bit better – all for free and very easy for beginners

On older and slower systems you will notice a decrease in performance if you install all of these programs – rather select the ones you like & use and run those – don't try installing everything! Note – these programs are all completely free and have not got any spyware or malware associated with them.

Okay, so those are just about all the programs I can think of (if you know more, leave a comment). Now, you need a nice theme. The official themes from Microsoft are listed below but there are a lot more themes out there. These are the offiicial ones:
  • Royale Theme – Blue theme – Get it HERE
  • Royale Noir Theme – Dark theme – Get it HERE
  • Zune Theme – Another dark theme with a bit of orange – Get it HERE
  • Embedded Theme – Another nice blue theme – Get it HERE
Those are the only official themes Microsoft released that I know about – however if you install a patching program you can install a lot of other themes that are not official. If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2get this patch here. If you are running Service Pack 3 – get this patch here.

Once you have installed the patch you can get a whole lot of great themes @ deviantART here but there are a lot of other places on the internet with unofficial themes available. Otherwise, if you are a little bit more knowledgeable you can install Rainmeter and get some great skins also @ deviantART here.
Finally if you are not keen on fiddling that much a transformation pack is probably the best idea. This is a program designed to automatically apply some of the above programs to your XP installation with the minimum of effort. Please note – as with all the software above you may notice a performance decrease depending on your system – so disable, or uninstall what does not work and keep what you like. Here are some transformation packs to check out:
  • Windows XP to Windows 7 Transformation Pack – go here
  • Windows XP to Mac OSX Tranformation Pack – go here
  • Windows XP to Ubuntu Transformation Pack – go here


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