
Friday 21 March 2014

How To Fix Windows Update Error 800b0100

How To Fix Windows Update Error - Error  800b0100 - Screenshot 001
If your computer is trying to update and instead of an improved machine you get the cryptic Windows Update Error 800b0100,

don’t panic – this particular error is pretty simple. When you get the update error 800b0100, it means your system couldn’t connect with the Microsoft Servers to complete an update. To resolve the issue, you’ll need to allow your computer to “talk” to Microsoft by disabling your firewall.
This tutorial is suitable for Windows Vista and Windows 7 only!:
  • Disable Your Firewall:
    If you’ve installed any sort of firewall on your machine, your first step will be to disable it temporarily. You do this by going to the firewall program (Start/All Programs/Firewall Program Name) and opening up the management window for the firewall. There will likely be an on/off toggle or a button to disable the firewall there.
  • Once the firewall is down, try the failed update again. If it goes through, you’ll likely be required to restart your computer. When you do, your firewall will likely reengage automatically or you can go back into the management program to start it again.
  • Disable Windows Firewall:
    If you find that your firewall isn’t the problem and the update isn’t going through even with your firewall disabled, you’ll want to check and see if the Windows firewall is causing the problem.
(Step 1) Go to Start and open your Control Panel.
How To Fix Windows Update Error - Click Control Panel - Screenshot 002
(Step 2) Once Control Panel is open, select Windows Firewall.
How To Fix Windows Update Error - Select Windows Firewall- Screenshot 003
(Step 3) Once you’re in the Windows Firewall, you’ll see an option to Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
How To Fix Windows Update Error - Turn Windows Firewall on or off - Screenshot 004
(Step 4) Click on this selection on the left menu bar. In the settings window that opens, change the settings to Off.
How To Fix Windows Update Error - Turn Windows Firewall off - Screenshot 005
(Step 1) Save your settings:
Try downloading the update again now that your firewall is disabled. Once the update is finished and you’ve finished that process, repeat these instructions to turn your firewall back on again as quickly as possible.


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