
Friday 21 March 2014

Tips On How To Safeguard Your PC

Tips On How To Safeguard Your PC- Screenshot 001
There are times that an anti-virus is simply not enough to protect your  PC from external threats.

Nowadays, the moment you log on into the Internet or the moment you let an external device access your machine, you are risking the sanity and integrity of your system. Aside from making sure you have an updated antivirus, there are several things you also need to take note of to prevent invasion from Internet intruders whenever you use your laptop or desktop. Having an antivirus installed. You must first make sure you have a reputable antivirus security suite installed such as ESET Smart Security, Avast Internet Security or AVG Internet Security. If you work in a group setting then getting a group license might be the way to go. Properly install these antivirus programs straight from their cd’s or download it from the internet and select the regular scanning option so that your laptop or desktop is regularly scanned for threats. Get yourself familiar with the settings of the program such as what type of threats are identified and how they are dealt with. Check also the frequency of the scan and if it can be adjusted to a more frequent setting. Be sure that you are installing a legitimate copy of the program since illegal copies may be the source of malicious spyware.
  • Configuring parental control:
    One other way to make sure that you are guarded against Internet intruders is by checking the parental control section of the program. Most often you can blacklist specific URL’s so that any browser cannot access them. This can be done on a per machine basis. You can also restrict what type of website ratings can only be accessed. Most often,  malicious spyware is found in adult sites so not only are you protecting your kids from such content, you are also protecting your machine from a surprise attack.
  • Other precautions listed:
    There are also other ways for you to be extra careful such as disconnecting from the Internet when you are not using your laptop or desktop. This goes for those who are fond of downloading items and leaving their machines running on idle. It is during this time that your machine is susceptible to attacks. Make sure that you only connect to the Internet when you need to. Go offline once you are done.
  • Checking for updates:
    While having programs that block threats is great, it can get better by making sure you get the updates of the program. This way, you inherit bug fixes and new features that enhance the protection going around your machine. Updates are usually available every time a scan is run. Most often updates are done at least once a month since the programmers normally release a well tested version of the program in that amount of time.
  • Things to keep in mind:
    Keep in mind that nothing beats responsible usage of the Internet and responsible attaching of files to protect yourself from threats. Make sure that all attachments are scanned before download and that all instant messaging attachments are not dubious upon receipt. Just continue helping yourself and your antivirus spy ware will help you, too.


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