
Monday 7 April 2014

Trick To Block Websites Without Any Software On Windows Computer

Hi friends! You can use simple trick to block undesirable Websites without using any software but by using a very handy feature available in all versions of windows. So you can block undesirable websites at schools, colleges or offices to avoid unwanted websites browsing.
For this, you just need to edit windows hosts file to block undesirable websites without installing any extra software on your windows computer. Later on you can unblock these blocked websites as per your choice. Just follow simple step by step tutorial to block or unblock website on your windows computer as explained below.

  • For example you want to block website named
  • Go to My Computer and open the path as C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
  • Here You will see a file named as hosts.
  • Right click on this file and select open with as Notepad.
  • You will see some text as show in below images.
block unwanted websites
Just below line localhost Add another line and so on to block more than one website.
  • Save the file. If you are not able to save this file, just save this file on desktop of your computer.
  • Now delete old hosts file from etc folder. Cut the new hosts file from desktop and paste in etc folder in place of older file.
  • Open any browser on your computer and try to open that particular website. You will see that website is not loading on your windows computer. Also you can unblock that website by just removing new added text line from hosts file.
  • In this way, you can block undesirable websites on your windows computer without using any software.


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