
Monday 7 April 2014

Add Css Social Widget In Blogger

How To Add Css Social Widget In Blogger 

  • First for All Go To > Page Elements > Add a Gadget
  • Choose HTML/JavaScript from the list of the gadgets
  • Copy and paste the code below in the content box. 
 <style type="text/css">
.btnt-chronicl-social {  width: 320px;  margin: -10px;  }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul {  margin: 0;  padding: 0;  }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li {  list-style:none;   padding: 0; text-transform: none; }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li a {   color: #fff;   display:block;  }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li a:hover {  color: #c9c9c9;  background-color: #333;   }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li .rss { background: url("") no-repeat scroll 10px center #F87E12; background-size: 20px; padding: 17.5px 45px; }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li .twitter { background: url("") no-repeat scroll 10px center #4CACEE; background-size: 20px; padding: 17.5px 45px;}
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li .facebook { background: url("") no-repeat scroll 10px center #3B5998; background-size: 20px; padding: 17.5px 45px; }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li .google { background: url("") no-repeat scroll 10px center #D44937; background-size: 20px; padding: 17.5px 45px; }
.btnt-chronicl-social ul li .linkedin { background: url("") no-repeat scroll 10px center #3692C3; background-size: 20px; padding: 17.5px 45px; }
<div class="btnt-chronicl-social">
<li><a class="rss" href="">Subscribe to the RSS Feed</a></li>
<li><a class="twitter" href="">Follow me on Twitter</a></li>
<li><a class="facebook" href="">Find me on Facebook</a></li>
<li><a class="google" href="">Join me on Google+</a></li>
<li><a class="linkedin" href="">Connect with me on LinkedIn</a></li>
Change all Bold Red words with your Url's.

  • Replace pctrickstoU with your feedburner Feed ID
  • Replace pctrickstoU with your facebook Page ID
  • Replace poornachandra with your twitter ID
  • Replace with your Google+ ID 
  • Replace with your Linkedin URL


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